Rhinebeck here we come
Only a day until Rhinebeck and I can hardly wait for the fiber frenzy to begin. My mom and I are leaving NYC first thing Saturday morning, with all intentions of arriving by 9 or 9:30am. Since neither of us are particularly good in the early morning, hopefully we'll get there by noon. Our prep has included the following:
- A thorough review of all vendors and a preprinted map with key locations highlighted
- A set of rules for both of us - no yarn for Liza, no roving for Caroline, no new hobbies for either of us (oh, but how I'd love to hook a rug with a primitive sheep design, and my mom would be quite happy with a loom...)
- Scoping of "events" like the blogger/Raveler meetup at noon, and visiting Clara Parkes' book signing
- Prioritized purchases - i.e. spinning wheel for me like a Louet or a Lundrum
There are a few things about Rhinebeck I don't quite get - planning your outfit around your most recent knitted accomplishments, the whole lamb for lunch thing, and the sheer volume of people who attend. There was actually a whole discussion on ravelry, with a ton of posts, about outfits. My outfit hadn't gotten much further than danskos... comfy feet are key.
So I'll be the one in the non-knitted objects, lugging around a crapload of roving and wool that I didn't plan to buy, chowing on lambchops. Just like everyone else there...
I hope you have fun!! Can't wait to see pictures.
Oh, can I hide in your luggage ? -=giggle=- I want to go too!
Have a great time! Good luck with staying to your list too! Can't wait to hear about it and see the pictures!
So how did it go ?!?
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